
Autor: Muham Sakura Dragon


62 Ebooks von Muham Sakura Dragon

Dragon Muham Sakura Dragon: Dreams & Dreaming from Islamic Perspective
The Merriam Webster online Dictionary defines a dream as a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep. Dreams and musing over their meanings and interpretations enrich our lives. …
Dragon Muham Sakura Dragon: Respect & Direspect In Islam Faith
The condition of being honoured esteemed or well regarded. This is the most commonly understood definition of respect. In fact, the thesaurus goes on the describe respect as a courteous regard for …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The World of Jinn (Demon) & Sorcery In Islam Faith
Throughout history humankind has been attracted to the supernatural. Spirits, ghosts and many other strange creatures have filled our minds and captured our imaginations. Strange and beguiling …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Story of Prophet Noah (Nuh) In Islam Faith
Prophet Nuḥ ibn Lamech ibn Methuselah known as Prophet Noah in the Old Testament, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allah). He is a highly important figure in Isla …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Exodus The Story of Prophet Moses (Musa) & Prophet Aaron (Harun) In Islam
Prophet Musa ibn Amram known as Prophet Moses in the Hebrew Bible, is considered a prophet, messenger, and leader in Islam. In Islamic tradition instead of introducing a new religion, Moses is regard …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Tale of Prophet Jesus (Isa) & Virgin Mary (Maryam) in Islam
Prophet Isa Ibn Maryam or Prophet Jesus in the New Testament, is considered to be a Messenger of God and al-Masih (the Messiah) in Islam. Who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (bani israil) wi …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Adam AS & Nabi Isa AS (Jesus AS) Dalam Islam
Nabi Adam AS adalah tokoh dari Kitab Kejadian, Perjanjian Baru & Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Menurut mitos penciptaan dari agama Abrahamik dia adalah manusia pertama dan menurut agama samawi pula merekalah …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Story of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) In Islam
Prophet Ibrahim known as Abraham in the Hebrew bible, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of Allah SWT (God) and patriarch of many peoples. In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the com …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Hukum Mengadopsi Anak Berdasarkan Ajaran Islam
Setiap pasangan suami istri pastinya menginginkan memiliki keturunan sendiri. Tetapi, ketika Allah belum mengijinkan pasangan suami istri tersebut untuk memiliki keturunan, ada banyak cara yang dilak …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Manajemen Waktu Dalam Pandangan Islam
Seorang muslim yang taat maka sudah selayaknya menjadikan hari-harinya menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki kemanfaatan baik bagi dirinya maupun bagi orang lain. Agar tiap hari waktunya bermanfaat, maka …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Hikayat Islami Kisah Kejujuran Gadis Penjual Susu
Khalifah Umar bin Khattab sering melakukan ronda malam sendirian. Sepanjang malam ia memeriksa keadaan rakyatnya langsung dari dekat. Ketika melewati sebuah gubuk, Khalifah Umar merasa curiga melihat …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Why Did God Create The Universe? from Islamic Perspective
From the point of view of God, a… fundamental question needs to be asked, “Why did God create?” This question should be asked because humankind is not, in fact, the greatest creation. God says in the …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 2
Jin adalah makhluk yang diciptakan oleh Allah SWT dari api dan ia mempunyai kemampuan untuk menampilkan dirinya dalam berbagai bentuk yang berbeda. Mereka juga makan-minum, melakukan hubungan lawan j …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 1
Jin (bahasa arab Janna) secara harfiah berarti sesuatu yang berkonotasi ‚tersembunyi‘ atau ‚tidak terlihat‘. Bangsa Jin dahulu dikatakan dapat menduduki beberapa tempat dilangit dan mendengarkan beri …
Muham Sakura Dragon: How To Deal With Sadness & Worry In Islam Faith
Now, more than at any other time in human kind’s history, stress, anxiety, and psychological problems are taking a tremendous toll on the human condition. Religious beliefs should afford a sense of …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Wills and Inheritance from Islamic Perspective
Islam is much more than a religion; it is a way of life. Islam is guidance from God that directs us through life, and God willing into the next life. It is for this reason that God also guides us …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Legenda Nabi Hud AS (Eber AS) Dalam Islam
Nabi Hud AS atau Eber AS (sekitar 2450-2320 SM) adalah seorang nabi yang diutus untuk Kaum ‚Ad yang tinggal di al-Ahqaf, Rubu‘ al-Khali-Yaman. Nabi Hud AS dikenal dalam ajaran agama Islam, Judaism da …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Isa AS (Jesus AS) Dalam Islam
Nabi Isa AS atau Nabi Jesus AS adalah nabi penting dalam agama Islam dan merupakan salah satu dari Ulul Azmi. Dalam kitab suci Al-Qur’an, ia disebut Isa bin Maryam atau Isa al-Masih. Ia diangkat …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Muhammad SAW & Jin Muslim Yang Saleh
Alkisah, serombongan jin tengah melakukan perjalanan menuju Tihamah, sebuah kawasan di garis pantai Laut Merah, Arab Saudi. Mereka berangkat dari rumah-rumah mereka di Nasibain, sebuah wilayah yang t …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Syits AS (Seth AS) Dalam Islam
Nabi Seth AS atau Nabi Syits AS atau Nabi Set AS adalah anak laki-laki dari Nabi Adam AS dan Hawa (Eve). Ia dilahirkan pada saat Adam berumur 130 tahun (Kejadian 5:3). Nabi Syits AS merupakan saudara …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Musa AS Melihat Tuhan Alam Semesta
Pada suatu ketika Nabi Musa telah memenuhi panggilan Allah subhana wa Ta’ala. Beliau naik ke gunung sinai (Thursina) setelah beliau menyempurnakan 40 malam yang diisi dengan puasa dan beribadah sendi …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kejujuran Dalam Perspektif Ajaran Islam
Kejujuran dalam islam atau dikenal dengan istilah As-Shidqu ialah kesesuaian pembicaraan dengan kenyataan menurut keyakinan orang yang berbicara, As-Sidqhu ini kebalikan dari Al-Kadzibu (bohong). Ada …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Hidup manusia ditandai oleh usaha-usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan, baik fisik, mental-emosional, material, maupun spiritual. Bila kebutuhan dapat di penuhi dengan baik berarti tercapai keseimbangan dan kep …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Legendaris Nabi Adam AS Dalam Islam
Nabi Adam AS adalah tokoh dari Kitab Kejadian, Perjanjian Baru & Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Menurut mitos penciptaan dari agama-agama Abrahamik dia adalah seorang Nabi & manusia pertama. Dan menurut agama …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Berkah & Manfaat Ibadah Shalat Witir Dalam Islam
Kita tahu bahwa shalat witir adalah sholat sunnah dengan rakaat ganjil 1 rakaat atau tiga rakaat tanpa duduk tasyahud awal. Sholat witir sering disebut sebagai sholat pengakhir malam, atau sholat …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Tale of Prophet Jesus (Isa) & Virgin Mary (Maryam) in Islam
Prophet Isa Ibn Maryam or Prophet Jesus in the New Testament, is considered to be a Messenger of God and al-Masih (the Messiah) in Islam. Who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (bani israil) …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Story of Prophet Noah (Nuh) In Islam Faith
Prophet Nuḥ ibn Lamech ibn Methuselah known as Prophet Noah in the Old Testament, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allah). He is a highly important figure in …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Beautiful Story of Prophet Muhammad SAW Last Messenger of God
Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca, unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam faith. Believed by Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of God, Muhammad is almost universally considered …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Exodus The Story of Prophet Moses (Musa) & Prophet Aaron (Harun) In Islam
Prophet Musa ibn Amram known as Moses in the Hebrew Bible, is considered a prophet, messenger, and leader in Islam. In Islamic tradition instead of introducing a new religion, Moses is regarded by …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Story of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) In Islam
Prophet Ibrahim known as Abraham in the Hebrew bible, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of Allah SWT (God) and patriarch of many peoples. In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Story of Prophet Lut (Lot) In Islam Faith
The narrative of Lot occupies a relatively large space in the Quran. Most of these passages place the narrative of Lot in a line of successive prophets including Noah, Hud, Saleh and Shoaib.In the …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Tale of Prophet Ishmael (Ismail) In Islam Faith
Prophet Ishmael or Ismail is recognized as an important prophet and patriarch of Islam. Muslims believe that Ishmael was the firstborn of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), born to him from his second wife …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Story of Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) & Prophet Yahya (John The Baptist) In Islam
Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) was an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). The name of his wife was al-Yashbi‘ who belonged to …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Purpose of Life From Islamic Perspective
What is the meaning and purpose of life?’ This is, perhaps, the most important question that has ever been asked. Throughout the ages, philosophers have considered it to be the most fundamental …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir
Nabi Muḥammad SAW (selengkapnya Muḥammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutthalib bin Hasyim (lahir di Mekkah, 20 April 570 – meninggal di Madinah, 8 Juni 632 pada umur 62 tahun) adalah seorang nabi dan …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The World of Angels (Malaikah) In Islam Faith
Angels or malaikah in arabic are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Quran and hadith. Unlike humans or jinn (demon, they have no free will and therefore can do only what God orders them to …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Tale of Prophet Noah (Nuh) In Islam
Prophet Nuḥ ibn Lamech ibn Methuselah known as Prophet Noah in the Old Testament, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of Allah (God). He is a highly important figure in Islamic tradition, …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Purpose of Life From Islamic Perspective
What is the meaning and purpose of life?’  This is, perhaps, the most important question that has ever been asked.  Throughout the ages, philosophers have considered it to be the most funda …
Muhammad Sakura: Kisah Hikayat Islami Nabi Muhammad SAW & Bulan Yang Terbelah Dua
Tiada habisnya orang-orang kafir mengzalimi Rasulullah SAW. Mulai dari memfitnah hingga menyuruh Rasul melakukan sesuatu yang menurut mereka hal yang mustahil, yaitu membelah bulan. Namun, dengan izi …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The World of Angels (Malaikah) In Islam Faith
Angels or malaikah in arabic are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Quran and hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will and therefore can do only what God orders them to do. An e …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Islami Tentara Gajah Raja Abrahah
‚Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan bagaimana Tuhanmu telah bertindak terhadap tentara bergajah. Bukankah Dia telah menjadikan tipu daya mereka (untuk menghancurkan Ka’bah) itu sia-sia? Dan Dia mengirim …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Story of Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) & Prophet Yahya (John The Baptist) In Islam
Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) was an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). The name of his wife was al-Yashbi‘ who belonged to t …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Story of Prophet Lut (Lot) In Islam Faith
The narrative of Lot occupies a relatively large space in the Quran. Most of these passages place the narrative of Lot in a line of successive prophets including Noah, Hud, Saleh and Shoaib. In t …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Tale of Prophet Ishmael (Ismail) In Islam Faith
Prophet Ishmael or Ismail is recognized as an important prophet and patriarch of Islam. Muslims believe that Ishmael was the firstborn of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), born to him from his second wife H …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir
Nabi Muḥammad SAW (selengkapnya Muḥammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutthalib bin Hasyim (lahir di Mekkah, 20 April 570 – meninggal di Madinah, 8 Juni 632 pada umur 62 tahun) adalah seorang nabi dan rasu …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Muslim Warrior Story Bilal Ibn Rabah From Slavery to Freedom
Bilal was a black slave, almost certainly the son of slaves, and is believed to have been from Abyssinia (now known as Ethiopia).  Being born into servitude, he probably never expected life to o …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Idris AS (Enoch AS) Jalan-Jalan Ke Surga
Karena ketekunannya dalam beribadah dan menuntut  ilmu, Nabi Idris (Enoch) dikaruniai Allah SWT pengetahuan yang luas dan dalam. Dialah manusia pertama yang menulis dengan pena serta satu-satuny …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Nabi Uzair (Ezra) & Keledai Yang Tertidur Selama 100 Tahun
Dalam perjalanan pulang, kembali Nabi Uzair (Ezra) dan keledai itu melewati pekuburan tua dan puing-puing kota mati yang menyeramkan itu. Sungguh mengherankan, tiba-tiba keledai itu ingin beristiraha …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Story of Prophet David (Dawud) & Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman) In Islam
Prophet David, or Dawud, is recognized in Islam as a prophet, messenger (Rasul), and lawgiver of God, and as a righteous king of the United Kingdom of Israel, which itself is a holy country in Islam. …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Islami Hikayat Sapi Betina Kaum Bani Israil
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Musa berkata kepada kaumnya, ‚Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu menyembelih seekor sapi betina.‘ Mereka berkata, ‚Apakah kamu hendak menjadikan kami buah ejekan?‘ Musa menjawab, …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Ulama Saleh Dari Bashrah Hasan Al-Bashri
Beliau adalah Abu Sa’id al-Hasan bin Abil Hasan al-Bashri, salah satu imam tabi’in terkemuka yang ucapan hikmahnya menyerupai perkataan seorang nabi, seorang yang kafah dan rupawan yang telah menghab …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Manfaat Gerakan Wudhu Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia
Sebelum melaksanakan sholat kita diperintahkan agar bersuci terlebih dahulu karena apabila tidak melaksanakannya, maka sholat kita tidak akan sah. Perintah ini yang sudah tercantum dalam firman Alloh …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Pertemuan Sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan Murid Nabi Isa AS (Jesus AS)
Pada masa khalifah Umar, wilayah Qadisiyah yang termasuk kota besar di Persia (Iran dan Irak sekarang ini) ditaklukan dan Sa’d bin Abi Waqqash, salah satu dari sepuluh sahabat yang dijamin masuk surg …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Beautiful Story of Prophet Muhammad SAW Last Messenger of God
Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca, unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam faith. Believed by Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of God, Muhammad is almost universally considered b …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Story of Maryam Bint Imran (Virgin Mary) Mother of Prophet Jesus (Isa) In Islam
Lady Maryam Bint Imran or Virgin Mary (Arabic: مريم‎ Maryām), the mother of Jesus (Isa), is considered one of the most righteous women in the Islamic religion. She is mentioned more in the Quran than …
Muham Sakura Dragon: The Great Tale of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) In Islam Faith
Prophet Yusuf Ibn Yaqub is an Islamic prophet found in the Quran, the scripture of Islam, and corresponds to Joseph (son of Jacob), a character from the Jewish religious scripture, the Tanakh, and th …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Islam Folklore Vol 1 The Staff of Prophet Moses (Musa)
{And We inspired Musa (Moses) (saying), ‚Throw your staff‘, ’ and behold! It swallowed up straight away all the falsehoods which they showed.} (Al-A’raf: 117) Why is it that a garden is sometimes g …
Muham Sakura Dragon: Kisah Hikayat Shafiyyah Binti Abdul Muththalib Bibi Nabi Muhammad SAW
Begitu banyak kemuliaan dan keutamaan yang disandangnya. Barangkali kemuliaan tertinggi yang sedang diberikan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala kepadanya –setelah nikmat Iman dan Islam– adalah kedudukannya s …
Muham Sakura Dragon: La Gran Historia del Profeta Adán y de Eva (Hawa) en el Islam
Se cree que el profeta Adán fue el primer ser humano en la tierra y el primer profeta del Islam. El papel de Adán como padre de la raza humana es visto por los musulmanes con respeto. Los musulmanes …
Muhammad Xenohikari & Muham Sakura Dragon: Hikmah & Makna Sakit Dalam Pandangan Agama Islam
Semua orang pasti pernah mengalami sakit, entah itu sakit ringan maupun sakit yang cukup serius, hal ini memang sudah manusiawi. Karena sebagai manusia biasa, dengan seiring berjalannya waktu tentu a …