
Autor: Walter Hes

Walter Hes started life in the Netherlands. His Roman Catholic rigid thinking was shaken up by the unfriendly break-up of his first marriage, emigration to controversial South Africa in the 70s having to leave 2 kids to grow up with their mother; 2nd marriage to a protestant, re-emigrating to Brazil after 9 years where he learned some more hard lessons about living in an unfamiliar culture and finally arriving in Australia with his family in 1982, finding the right country at last. Life experiences and entering university in his fifties have opened his mind to many ways of thinking and his daughters contributed substantially to that.

5 Ebooks von Walter Hes

Walter Hes: Resolve
I have been inspired to write Resolve by the parable The Tragedy of the Commons and even more by the extensive comments made by Herschel Elliott (1997) in A General Statement of the Tragedy of the …
Walter Hes: Hundred Shades of Green
A medical doctor, hiding from his past in the Amazon Rainforest where he becomes a valued member of an Indigenous village. The son of his estranged son living a carefree life in Rio de Janeiro, …
Walter Hes: Monti Alto
  • 10 young men, teenagers really, leave their home in Africa to search for a better life in Europe.
  • They encounter many obstacles before they reach the Mediterranean coast,
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