
Autor: Charles Heber Clark

Charles Heber Clark (1841–1915) was an American author and humorist who wrote under the pseudonym «Max Adeler». Born in Berlin, Maryland, he pursued a diverse career, initially working in a Philadelphia publishing house before venturing into writing. Clark»s literary style is characterized by satire and wit, and his works often parodied the serious fiction of his time. «Frictional Electricity», a title indicative of his humorous approach, showcases Clark»s ability to engage readers with his comedic timing and keen observations of the human condition. Although much of his work has been overshadowed by his contemporaries, scholars of 19th-century American literature note that Clark»s contributions reflect the cultural and social nuances of his era. His adeptness at delivering humor through the medium of the written word made him a notable figure in the American literary scene of the late 1800s. Clark»s works remain a testament to his skill at weaving humor with social commentary, offering reflections on the absurdities of everyday life that still resonate with readers today. His legacy as a writer is captured in his ability to balance levity with incisive observations, a talent that continues to be appreciated by connoisseurs and academics of American humor literature.

6 Ebooks de Charles Heber Clark

Charles Heber Clark: Out of the Hurly-Burly
DEDICATION. I have resolved to dedicate this book to a humorist who has had too little fame, to the most delicious, because the most unconscious, humorist, to that widely-scattered and multitudinous …
Charles Heber Clark: The Fortunate Island and Other Stories
The custom which has ordained that a book shall have a preface is useful enough to writers who have to say to their readers something which could not properly be said in the body of the text; but it …
Charles Heber Clark: Frictional Electricity
In Charles Heber Clark’s ‘Frictional Electricity’, the author delves into the fascinating world of electricity and its various applications in the late 19th century. The book explores the concept of …
Charles Heber Clark: Elbow Room A Novel Without A Plot
Light humour, 1860s style, via short chapters that are self-contained stories but with some recurring characters. True to the subtitle there is no plot. A fun read. …
Charles Heber Clark: Out Of The Hurly-Burly, Or Life In An Odd Corner
Excerpt: "If Peter Menuit had never been born, it is extremely probable that this book would not have been written. Mr. Menuit, however, had nothing to do with the construction of the volume, …
Charles Heber Clark: Fortunate Island And Other Stories
The story of a professor and his daughter shipwrecked on a magical island stuck in the Middle Ages. This story led to rivalry with fellow humorist Mark Twain. Clark accused Twain of plagiarising …