
Autor: Jerry L. Rhoads

Jerry Is a CPA, a Fellow in the American College of Health Care Administrators, a licensed nursing home administrator and CEO of All-American Care, Inc. He has written 6 published books and over 100 published articles on reimbursement and management systems. All-American Care, Inc., his long term care operating company has owned or operated skilled restorative care facilities in Illinois, Arkansas, Arizona, Muscatine and Washington, Iowa. They are models for franchising his company’s software, management policies and procedures to other locations. While running nursing homes, as the frontline Administrator in the late 1980’s and early 2000’s, he invented a computerized method for measuring staff effectiveness. It is based on the principles of Case Management for capturing and billing for the appropriate entitlement services for Medicare beneficiaries and Medicaid recipients. This software system utilizes the care planning process to document skilled care for reimbursement and establish a basis for Activity Based Costing and Six Sigma performance measurement. He has implemented this approach in over 140 nursing homes and assisted living centers all over the country with amazing results. By balancing workload with worker capacity, labor efficiency and productivity can be dramatically improved. Once this balance is struck the runaway turnover and absenteeism is quelled and all resources can be focused on patient care. It is then feasible to pursue better restorative outcomes by eliminating wasteful labor practices and balance the Federal and State budgets for an aging America.

8 Ebooks de Jerry L. Rhoads

Jerry L. Rhoads: Failing Government Taketh Away
America is number one in health care cost per capita and 38th in quality care. Statistically, Americans spend more money on their health care than anything else but food. But the consumption of the …
Jerry L. Rhoads: The Eighth Wonder of the World
Words, expression and relationships give me the opportunity to connect with someone I will never meet. There are 1, 025, 109 words in the English language I have only used 80, 182 of those words, in …
Jerry L. Rhoads: The Ninth Wonder of the World
The Eighth Wonder is the first poem and the theme for my first poetry book. I reveal in that poem what the eighth wonder is and its value to each person on earth. I dont want it revealed until they …
Jerry L. Rhoads: The Tenth Wonder of the World
The eighth wonder is the first poem and the theme for my first poetry book. I reveal in that poem what the eighth wonder is and its value to each person on earth. I dont want it revealed until they …
Jerry L. Rhoads: Lifestyles
Dr. Venice Bloodworth in her book The Key to Yourself states that an affirmation of I am happy, healthy and prosperous isnt just words, its the retraining of the subconscious to be positive, which is …
Jerry L Rhoads: Twelfth Wonder of the World
Poetry is so personal. It is hard to convince readers to take the time to feel the words, not just read them. The Eighth Wonder of the World presents something we all possess and don’t realize its …
Jerry L. Rhoads: The Eighth Wonder of the World
The Eighth Wonder of the World is the topic of the first poem and the theme for my first of five Wonders of the World poetry books. I reveal in that poem what the eighth wonder is and its intrinsic v …
Jerry L Rhoads: Health care for All
I Know This Man is Right, We Need to Listen to Him. I know this man is right. I worked in healthcare (rehabilitation administration), and now I work in insurance (I am licensed to sell, among oth …