
Autor: Reginald L. Bell

Jeanette S. Martin is a professor emeritus in the School of Business at University of Mississippi. She received her Ed D in business education from the University of Memphis. Previously, she was a reviewer and associate editor for Journal of Business Communication and reviewer for the International Association of Intercultural Relations. Her research has appeared in the Journal of Education for Business, Journal of Business Communication, Management Communication Quarterly, and others. She has published three books, namely, Global Business Etiquette, The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette, and Passport to Success; a chapter in Handbook of Ethnic Conflict; and a textbook, Intercultural Business Communication.

2 Ebooks de Reginald L. Bell

Reginald L. Bell & Jeanette S. Martin: Managerial Communication for Organizational Development
Managerial Communication for Organizational Development provides clarity for top, middle, and frontline managers on paramount communication issues It helps them anticipate and respond to communicatio …
Reginald L. Bell & Jeanette S. Martin: Managerial Communication for Professional Development
Managerial Communication for Professional Development offers a unique functions approach to managerial skills. It explores what the communication managers actually do in business across the plannin …