Autor: Sadhvi Hemswaroopa

Hemswaroopa based in Gujarat is established in the gurukul tradition of Adi Shankaracharya.She practices a Sattvic lifestyle of Meditation & Satsang and teaches Vedantic Scriptures.

8 Ebooks de Sadhvi Hemswaroopa

Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: Read Aloud Gita Pocketbook
The Bhagavad Gita has been chanted and read in homes and workplaces. Children and families love to recite it during festivals and gatherings. It is the discourse that instructs man to realign himself …
Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: संस्कृत संधि हैंडबुक
संधि (सम् + धि) शब्द का अर्थ है ‘योग अथवा मेल’ । दो निकटवर्ती वर्णों के परस्पर मेल से जो परिवर्तन होता है उसे संधि कहते हैं । कई बार इस नये शब्द को अलग …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: Rudra Puja Mantras
Rudra Puja has been practiced in India since the beginning of time. Shiva means Auspicious. Rudra is a synonym for Shiva that means ‘Destroyer of Evil’. Puja means that which is born of fullness. The …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal: Vishnu Sahasranama Recitation
We all love to chant and the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu are the ultimate stotram to 
  • relieve fatigue 
  • cure illness
  • feel strengthened
This bo …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: Read Aloud Atharvashirsha Pocketbook
The Ganapati Atharvashirsha is a collection of 14 verses, and is attributed to the Atharvaveda. It paints a beautiful image of Lord Ganesha to invoke
  • Fearlessness, hence unbridled Success …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal: Rudra Puja North Indian Rudrashtadhyayi
Many times parents wish they could get an inkling of what happens in the temple pujas, or what the local pandit chants during a family ceremony. Parents also wish they could get a more intimate feel …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: Rudri Shukla Yajurvediya Rudrashtadhyayi
Many times parents wish they could get an inkling of what happens in the temple pujas, or what the local pandit chants during a family ceremony. Parents also wish they could get a more intimate feel …
Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa: Bhagavad Gita as Recited vs as Written
Bhagavad Gita chanting rules using the Anushtup meter and the Sandhis for Visarga and Anusvara are given. All 700 verses as commonly WRITTEN in standard editions of the Gita, and as they are to be co …