
Autor: The Baby Club

Sally Smith (Consultant Editor) is an Oxford-university educated professor of child development and CEO of the charity Peeple. Peeple»s main purpose is to support parents and carers, babies and children to learn together – by valuing and building on what families already do. Peep practitioners and families share information and ideas from the Peep Learning Together Programme about how to make the most of the learning opportunities that surround us in everyday life and play. Peeple advised The Baby Club programme»s production team on the child development theory that underpins all the activities on the programme. Sally is a mum of three.

1 Ebooks de The Baby Club

The Baby Club: Play and Learn With Your Baby
Are you keen to give your baby the very best start in life and make every moment that you have together count? Based on The Baby Club, the ground-breaking CBeebies show, Play & Learn With Your Baby i …