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Auteur: Giuseppe Cafiero

Born in Naples, he spent his childhood in various Italian cities since his father was a banker. In Bologna he began to attend intellectual circles at Roberto Roversi ‘s renowned Palma Verde bookstore. It was in one of the magazines published by this cultural center that the first part of “James Joyce, Rome & Other Stories” was first published. He later worked for various radio producers, especially Radio Capodistria and the Italian Swiss Radio so he moved to Tuscany. Finally he was able to devote himself to reading and to pursue his literary work. His main literary influence was Calvin, author of extraordinary literary intellectual subtlety and intelligence. Giuseppe Cafiero continuously reads Borges, another great sublime, inimitable author who also worshiped Joyce. Yes, Joyce is intriguing, beautiful, but Borges … Giuseppe Cafiero has written renditions, free adaptations, reductions for the radio, translations from French. The spectrum of names is extensive, from Shakespeare to O »Neill, from Raspe to Daudet, from Toller to Brecht. But his strongest point is the « bio-fiction,  » as this book about Joyce in Rome, another published in 2008 about Vincent van Gogh, and one about Monsieur Gustave Flaubert in 2010. The three characters were revolutionary in their own field. Van Gogh, with his extraordinarily beautiful explosion of colors. Joyce, who broke with the literary realism of the 1800″s. Hence, his books boast a great command of his characters’ voice thanks to his experience writing for the radio. Giuseppe Cafiero wrote such a program called « James Joyce in una notte in Valpurga” in 1990 and after that he finished the fictionalized story about Joyce’s stay in Rome in 1906 and 1907. Giuseppe Cafiero lives in the Tuscan countryside, in Lucignano, Italy.

17 Ebooks par Giuseppe Cafiero

Giuseppe Cafiero: James Joyce – Rome and Other Stories
James Joyce, Rome and other Stories outlines the months in which Irish author James Joyce (Ulysses, Finnegans Wake, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man) lived in Rome, between 1906 and 1907. …
Giuseppe Cafiero: James Joyce – Roma Y Otras Historias
James Joyce, Roma y otras Historias describir los meses en que el autor irlands James Joyce (Ulises, Finnegans Wake, Retrato del Artista como un Hombre Joven) vivi en Roma, entre 1906 y 1907. …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Virginia Woolf
Almost a romantic escape. 1928. Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West set off for France to attest to their feelings. To find each other, even with the ever-present phantom of Orlando, which …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Gustave Flaubert
What would happen if a character, even if only roughly sketched in the mind of a writer, decided to take on a life independent of his creator in order to take revenge against all the other characters …
Giuseppe Cafiero: MÁRIO DE SÁ-CARNEIRO
The apparent suicide in 1916 of the writer Mário de Sá-Carneiro causes his friend, the poet Fernando Pessoa, great distress. Pessoa feels compelled to trace Sá-Carneiro's final movements, to …
Giuseppe Cafiero: VIRGINIA WOOLF
Almost a romantic escape. 1928. Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West set off for France to attest to their feelings. To find each other, even with the ever-present phantom of Orlando, which celebra …
Giuseppe Cafiero: EDGAR ALLAN POE
Giuseppe Cafiero presents the most intriguing biography of one of America’s most enduring writers: poet, author, and critic Edgar Allan Poe. The beloved master of mystery and the macabre, Poe’s life …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Edgar Allan Poe – L’Ambiguità della Morte
Un itinerario ambiguo e intrigante nella vita e in alcune opere di Edgar Allan Poe. Penetrare in un mondo appartenuto a un uomo ferito da intimi disagi, dall’alcool, dalla droga e da iraconde …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Mário de Sá-Carneiro. L’ambiguità di un suicidio
Il romanzo si apre con una lettera di incarico per il libraio-detective David Mondine, al quale il signor Craston di Londra, su richiesta di Fernando Pessoa, chiede di indagare sulla morte del …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Il ritorno. Confort woman
Su un palcoscenico scarno, aspro non-luogo rappresentazione del limite estremo della capacità di comprensione umana, avviene l’incontro di due personaggi dai connotati titanici. Un misterioso …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Vincent Van Gogh
La biografia di Van Gogh: “Un libro come itinerario abrasivo connotato dalla presenza di donne, di luoghi e ossessioni quali paradigmi intorno cui si svolse la struggente vita di Vincent Van Gogh.Non …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Gli incauti negozi sulla vita e sulle opere di monsieur Gustave Flaubert, scrittore
Harel Bey, protagonista di un romanzo che Gustave Flaubert immaginò e mai scrisse, prende a scorazzare fra i libri dello scrittore francese e a colloquiare con i personaggi dei suoi libri allorché …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Neapolis
Agli occhi dei nobiluomini che nel xviii secolo giungevano in Campania nel loro Grand Tour, Napoli si apriva come uno scrigno di storia e di natura, di suggestioni e di raffinatezze intellettuali, …
Giuseppe Cafiero: De ambiguitate
Nos encontramos ante una novela histórico filosófica en la que el autor, Giuseppe Cafiero, nos muestra la sociedad europea de mediados del siglo XVII. En ese momento, España y Francia protagonizan la …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Virginia Woolf o la ambigüedad de los sentimientos
Virginia y Vita. Gran Bretaña, 1928. Un amor marcado por sentimientos ambiguos. Una historia que parece cierta cuando la ficción se convierte en protagonista de una esperanza que no es. Si una …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Edgar Allan Poe o la ambigüedad de la muerte
Este libro es un viaje a través de la vida de Edgar Allan Poe, un hombre herido por un profundo malestar, inmerso en el alcohol y las drogas, a merced de una agresividad irascible y autodestructiva. …
Giuseppe Cafiero: Edgar Allan Poe or the Ambiguity of Death
This book is a journey through the life of Edgar Allan Poe, a man wounded by a deep malaise, immersed in alcohol and drugs, at the mercy of an irascible and self-destructive aggressiveness. In …