Auteur: Ran Walker

Ran Walker (he/him) is the author of twenty-nine books. His short stories, flash fiction, microfiction, and poetry have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals. Prior to becoming a writer and educator, he worked in magazine publishing and practiced law in Mississippi.He is the winner of the Indie Author Project »s 2019 National Indie Author of the Year Award (selected by judges from Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Ingram Spark, St. Martin »s Press, and Writer »s Digest), the 2019 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Best Fiction Ebook Award,  the 2018 Virginia Indie Author Project Award for Adult Fiction, and the 2021 Blind Corner Afrofuturism Microfiction Contest. Ran is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Hampton University and teaches with Writer »s Digest University. He lives in Virginia with his wife and much better half, Lauren, and his amazing daughter, Zoë.

6 Ebooks par Ran Walker

Ran Walker: A Different Kind of Christmas Story
It’s 1983, and all Andy Parker wants for Christmas is a Mr. T action figure. That shouldn’t be so hard to find, right? A Different Kind of Christmas Story presents the small town of Daily, M …
Ran Walker: Spaceships Don’t Come Equipped With Rearview Mirrors
With Spaceships Don’t Come Equipped With Rearview Mirrors, Ran Walker returns with his second collection of one hundred 50-word stories, picking up where he left off with his first collection, The St …
Ran Walker: This Is Not a Poem/Story
‘Cotton Candy’ She loved cotton candy, the feel of the sugar tufts brushing against her skin, even the coarseness of the wet pieces that hardened into tiny bricks of sugar. The colors, pink and b …
Ran Walker: Parts of Speech
Drawing off a wide assortment of literary and artistic influences, Ran Walker explores the extremely fine line between microfiction and narrative prose poetry using a 100-word framework that stretche …
Ran Walker: Four Suits
Modeled after a deck of playing cards, Four Suits: A Deck of 100-Word Stories contains 54 100-word stories, one story per card. With stories built around various interpretations of numbers and suit …
Ran Walker: Apollo’s Toy Box
Ranging from the mundane to the magical, the humorous to the horrifying, Apollo’s Toy Box blends microfiction and prose poetry seamlessly over the course of 300 original pieces and marks a masterful …