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Auteur: Vajragupta

Marina Cantacuzino is an award-winning journalist who in 2003, in response to the imminent invasion of Iraq, embarked on a personal project collecting stories from people who had lived through violence, tragedy or injustice and sought forgiveness rather than revenge. In 2004, she founded The Forgiveness Project (www.theforgivenessproject.com), a charitable organisation that uses real personal narratives to explore how ideas around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution can be used to impact positively on people »s lives. In 2012, Marina spoke at the UN General Assembly about the work of The Forgiveness Project and, in 2015, she was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion.

6 Ebooks par Vajragupta

Stephen Hance: Forgiveness in Practice
Forgiveness has often been viewed as a religious obligation but is increasingly being advocated as a means of healing, release and promoting wellbeing. Forgiveness is variously viewed as a duty, virt …
Vajragupta: Wild Awake
What is it like to be completely alone, attempting to face your experience with only nature for company? Author Vajragupta has been doing just that every year for 25 years. Here he recounts how …
Vajragupta: Triratna Story
This is the story of a circle of friends dreaming a dream, and working to make it a reality. It’s a record of idealism and naivety, growth and growing pains, friendship and fall-out. It’s a …
Vajragupta: Buddhism
The perfect guide for those seeking a meaningful spiritual path whilst leading busy, modern lives. Vajragupta gives clear explanations of Buddhist teachings and guidance on how to apply these to …
Vajragupta: Navegando por los vientos mundanos
En un mundo donde las pérdidas y ganancias, los fracasos y triunfos, las críticas y alabanzas, y el dolor y el placer definen nuestra existencia diaria, hallar el equilibrio se convierte en nuestro …
Vajragupta: Sailing the Worldly Winds
How do we really get on in this world? Tossed around by gain, buffeted by loss, borne aloft by praise, cast down by blame, how can we not be ground under, lose all direction, confidence, and sense of …