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Author: Gary J. Seeary

Gary Seeary was born in the town of Stawell in the Wimmera region of Victoria. He currently lives with his wife, Deborah, in the bayside area of Melbourne. They have two adult children and five grandchildren. With an eclectic love of Australian and Foreign literature, Gary dedicated his first novel to a little visited time in Melbourne”s history; the era between the wane of the Great Depression and the commencement of the Second World War. “Sebastian Carmichael” was the result.

2 Ebooks by Gary J. Seeary

Gary J Seeary: Sebastian Carmichael
By February 1937, Australia is crawling out of the Great Depression, but unforseen dangers lurk on the horizon. Young country man, Sebastian Carmichael, is trying to make ends meet in the tough …
Gary J Seeary: Moonbeamers
Set in the Mid-Nineties in the Melbourne Bayside suburbs, the story follows Michael’s search for acceptance in someone else’s domain: Nothing could be more challenging for an adult than to move into …