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Autore: Annonciation Int LLC


42 Ebook di Annonciation Int LLC

Olivier Manitara: Toucher son ame par la pensee
De tout temps, l’arbre etait le chemin qui eleve vers le monde divin. On a all vrere l’arbre, c’est lui. L’arbre et l’homme sont des jumeaux, des freres. L’arbre de la belle pensee, c’est l’homme qui …
Olivier Manitara: Zodiaque des Anges
The Archangel Gabriel is the creative principle of the world of magical influences, the world of etheric water that surrounds man. Through his angelic zodiac, he can touch the man and lead him to …
Olivier Manitara: Maitriser sa destinee
When you look at something with your physical eyes, you only perceive the form, but all around it there is a subtle life related to the world of the Spirit. To awaken the eye of the Spirit, the third …
Olivier Manitara: Roue du Soleil
In all the traditions of the world, one finds the symbol of the sun’s wheel, the swastika, the rotating cross. This symbol contains mysteries about man and his environment, about his place in the …
Olivier Manitara: Osiris
All lovers of ancient Egypt have already heard of the legend of Osiris, which was dismembered and whose pieces were strewn all over the earth, and of his wife Isis, who reconstructed her body, or the …
Olivier Manitara: chemin de la plus haute initiation
Through the message of the legend of St. Christopher, the author clearly describes, experiences and practices the path of the highest Initiation for our time. Testimony of an astonishing experience …
Olivier Manitara: 4 Elements
Our body and our entire environment are formed by the four elements: earth, water, air and fire. These four fundamentals of life exist in both visible and more subtle dimensions. The ancient peoples …
Olivier Manitara: Isis
Isis was the perfect embodiment of the female principle on earth. A loving wife, she reconstituted the body of Osiris for her resurrection, and she gave life to Horus, giving birth to the Divine …
Olivier Manitara: Messages aux religions
Gabriel is the Archangel of humanity today, the one who stands closest to us and who guides us. He is omnipresent in the life of the great Masters who have taught humanity for centuries. He spoke …
Olivier Manitara: 7 etapes de la vie
Man is born on earth in a physical body and his goal is to build a vehicle of Light for his next journey, the one he will perform in the afterlife. This body is created through the seven stages of …
Olivier Manitara: force d’etre soi
With great sensitivity, experience and clarity, Olivier Manitara takes us to the discovery of innate knowledge and a precious treasure buried in everyone: identity. Of course, all that is rare …
Olivier Manitara: Retrouve le chemin de ton ame eternelle
The soul is what is most precious in man. Unfortunately, she was imprisoned in a world of concepts, she identified with the mortal body and lost her destiny of Light. It can be said that our soul has …
Olivier Manitara: Garder la memoire de vie en vie
Man comes to earth to realize a work, but often, caught in the whirlwind of the world, he can not find the memory of who he really is and what he came to accomplish. This is however fundamental for …
Olivier Manitara: Les mysteres de Noel
Here is a book full of authentic wisdom with a simple talk and without long theoretical speeches. The author shares his own experiences and invites us to follow him on the other side of the veil to …
Olivier Manitara: religion universelle
Men have lost their nature by wanting to live only for themselves, in religions invented for man and not to honor God. Today, they are given an exceptional opportunity to find their way back to the …
Olivier Manitara: karma
Every human being is born with debts in the subtle worlds. These debts are the karma of his family, his nation, and the whole of humanity, and he will accumulate his own personal karma throughout his …
Olivier Manitara: Enfanter la lumiere
Have the mysteries of the Virgin Mary really been understood? Has the mystery of Jesus’ birth on earth ever been enlightened? Religious writings have often left us hungry and fuzzy, presenting a …
Olivier Manitara: Renaitre par le bapteme essenien
The Essene baptism is again offered in our time. It helps to find the impetus to start a more conscious life, turned towards our soul. This powerful method allows one who realizes that his life is …
Olivier Manitara: pardon des offenses
It’s time to open your eyes and face reality. By behaving like a king on the earth, exploiting and denaturing the reigns of Mother Earth: animals, plants and minerals, and even humans, man has …
Olivier Manitara: Manuel essenien de la Paix
You who are searching for pearls of truth on the path of life, know that peace is not a human invention, something manufactured and artificial, but a vibration that does not come from the earth. This …
Olivier Manitara: Eveille en toi le serpent de la Sagesse
The story of the fall of man is well known: under the inspiration of the tempting serpent, the man tasted the forbidden fruit and he had to put on skin clothes, that is to say incarnate in a body of …
Olivier Manitara: Ether pur
The "Pure Ether" project was born in response to a major problem that poses a growing threat to humanity and the earth: electromagnetic pollution. Before men wove the fabric of a global …
Olivier Manitara: art guerissant des couleurs
All we see is color. The colors are around us, but also in us. Of course, they are a physical phenomenon, but their true nature is spiritual. Each color is a manifestation of the spirit that …
Olivier Manitara: Communions du matin et du soir
What determines our day is what we do on waking and what determines our sleep is what we do at bedtime. Connecting with the forces of the earth in the morning, asking for Mother’s protection promotes …
Olivier Manitara: Secrets de l’aura du Christ
The aura is a magnetic field of energy, soul, spirit, which surrounds every living creature. With great sensitivity and clarity, the author explains how to harmonize our aura with that of Christ to …
Olivier Manitara: nouvelle Paque
Passover has always been synonymous with sacrifice. Today, the Essenes bring to the world a new vision of this thousand-year-old feast, a vision that ennobles man by enjoining him to make the …
Olivier Manitara: Moise
The Old Testament tells the story of Moses, who led the Hebrew people out of Egypt and received the 10 commandments of God, the tables of the Law. This story is full of exploits and adventures, but …
Olivier Manitara: puissance d’une Parole Magique
Speech, the word is a tool that God has given to man to express himself. Since the beginning of time, reading or pronouncing a sacred text has always been an offering for the divine world. To …
Olivier Manitara: Mani fils bien-aime de Dieu
The Essenian master Mani gave birth to the ideas of secularism, democracy and human rights, as well as respect for religious plurality. Through this book that tells the story of this Son of God, we …
Olivier Manitara: Avoir la liberte de choisir
In our modern society, we can think that we are free, that we have the choice. In a way, it is true that we are offered several choices: choice of our new phone, choice of our new car …, but it is …
Olivier Manitara: Michael l’homme-cerf chez les Celtes
The ancient Celts worshiped the great Cernunnos, the Stag God who controls the serpent of life. At the coming of the Christians, the knowledge associated with the stag-man was lost. What did the …
Olivier Manitara: lois du magnetisme
Over the past 30 years, many books have appeared to describe magnetism as an external phenomenon that we can more or less control. Several techniques have been proposed so that man can intervene and …
Olivier Manitara: Comment utiliser le pentagramme
This symbol of the pentagram has always aroused great interest among magi and beings wanting to practice magic. But what is the pentagram and above all, how to activate and use this symbol to build …
Olivier Manitara: 50 cles pour vivre avec les Anges
To commune or to live with an Angel requires more than a simple desire, that a desire, it is all a preparation so that it emanates from itself a certain vibration which makes it possible to approach …
Olivier Manitara: monde materialiste vous a-t-il envoAte ?
Today, we are told to consume such and such things, we are offered modes of a thousand and one ways, everyone ends up being alike, and it is our children who are the first affected. We are dazzled …
Olivier Manitara: argent respecter ses lois pour attirer la richesse
The great subject of our time: money, the means to achieve everything. Why do some people have them and why others, whatever they do, can they not come to face him? The key is simple when we know it. …
Olivier Manitara: Les mysteres de l’Esprit
In today’s world, nothing seems sacred, men have lost the sense of mystery and mysteries, these great initiatory celebrations. Yet once, humanity knew the wisdom that drives them. The Essenes, …
Olivier Manitara: corps createur d energie
The exercises transmitted through this teaching emanate from an ancient sacred knowledge and contain the fragments of an eternal wisdom. I say fragments because I am fully aware that they are only an …
Olivier Manitara: Mary, the Essene Virgin
The teachings transmitted in this book emanate mostly from works carried in the bosom of a modern initiatic School. Primarily, they were intended for private circles, capable of receiving such …
Olivier Manitara: initiation des 7 fils du soleil
There have always been "Sons of the Sun" or "Sons of Heaven" on earth. From China to the Andean Cordillera, to Pharaonic Egypt, it is these children of light who have built all …
Olivier Manitara: voie de l’illumination
We are all from three higher influences. Knowing in what lineage we are evolving allows us to understand our way of acting and apprehending things. One way, that of Abel, influences us to become …
Olivier Manitara: magie du pentagramme
Since ancient times, the star with five equal branches called the pentagram is the symbol of man and the five senses that open him to the world around him. But the body of man and his senses have …