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Autore: Association ARGAD


23 Ebook di Association ARGAD

Sonia Goerger: Marie, la toute petite souris
Marie est une toute petite souris, plus petite que les autres. Elle est atteinte d’achondroplasie, une maladie génétique qui l’empêche de grandir normalement. Sa petite taille sera-t-elle un …
Sonia Goerger: Merlin, le petit félin
L’errance diagnostique est dévastatrice pour les familles et les personnes atteintes de maladies rares. Pour comprendre la différence de son fils, Maman Lionne parcourt, sans relâche, la savane …
Sonia Goerger: Sacha, le petit chat
Sacha est un petit chat espiègle, qui aime faire des farces à sa maman. Atteint d’une maladie neuromusculaire, il va perdre peu à peu l’usage de ses jambes. Mais son fauteuil roulant ne l’empêchera …
Sonia Goerger: Arnaud, le petit moineau
Arnaud est un adorable petit moineau plein de vitalité. Mais, un jour, le vent annonce à ses parents qu’il est atteint d’une maladie qui viendra lui prendre les belles choses acquises au fi …
Sonia Goerger & Association ARGAD: Hugo et Chloé, les aînés sangliers
Lorsque les deux aînés d’une famille de sangliers doivent s’occuper des deux petits marcassins, atteints d’une maladie qui les empêche de voir et sentir correctement, les choses ne se passent pas com …
Sonia Goerger: Milou, le petit loup
À l’heure du goûter, auprès de la cheminée, Grand-Mère Loup raconte à ses louveteaux l’histoire de Milou, un petit loup étrange, qui avait des difficultés à parler et à comprendre. Un petit loup avec …
Sonia Goerger: Arno, the Little Sparrow
Arno is an adorable little sparrow full of energy. But one day, the wind told his parents that Arno had a disease that would take away the beautiful things he had acquired over the years. However, de …
Sonia Goerger: Hugo and Eleanor, the Elder Boars
When the two elder members of a family of wild boars have to look after two small boarlets affected by a disease that prevents them from seeing properly and having a sense of smell, things do not go …
Sonia Goerger: Wolfy, the Little Wolf
At snack time, by the fireplace, Grandmother Wolf tells her wolf pups the story of Wolfy, a strange little wolf who had difficulty speaking and understanding certain things. A little wolf with a hear …
Sonia Goerger: Кабани Х’юго і Хлоя, старші брат і сестрастарші
When the two elder members of a family of wild boars have to look after two small boarlets affected by a disease that prevents them from seeing properly and having a sense of smell, things do not go …
Sonia Goerger: Merlin, die kleine Raubkatze
Diagnostic errancy is devastating for individuals with rare diseases and their families. To understand her son’s differences, Mother Lioness relentlessly travels the African savannah. Merlin is a …
Sonia Goerger: Арно, маленький горобець
Arno is an adorable little sparrow full of energy. But one day, the wind told his parents that Arno had a disease that would take away the beautiful things he had acquired over the years. …
Sonia Goerger & Elodie Garcia: Сніжко, маленьке вовченя
At snack time, by the fireplace, Grandmother Wolf tells her wolf pups the story of Wolfy, a strange little wolf who had difficulty speaking and understanding certain things. A little wolf with a …
Sonia Goerger: 小老鼠玛丽
Marie is a very small mouse, smaller than the others. She has Achondroplasia, a genetic disease that prevents her from growing normally. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Medical secretary, Sonia Goerger …
Sonia Goerger: 小猫萨沙
Sacha is a mischievous little cat who likes to play pranks on his mom. Suffering from a neuromuscular disease, he will gradually lose the use of his legs. But, being in a wheelchair will not prevent …
Sonia Goerger: 小狮子梅林
Diagnostic errancy is devastating for individuals with rare diseases and their families. To understand her son’s differences, Mother Lioness relentlessly travels the African savannah. Merlin is a …
Sonia Goerger & Association ARGAD: 小麻雀阿诺
Arno is an adorable little sparrow full of energy. But one day, the wind told his parents that Arno had a disease that would take away the beautiful things he had acquired over the years. …
Sonia Goerger: 野猪一家
When the two elder members of a family of wild boars have to look after two small boarlets affected by a disease that prevents them from seeing properly and having a sense of smell, things do not go …
Sonia Goerger: 小狼米卢
At snack time, by the fireplace, Grandmother Wolf tells her wolf pups the story of Wolfy, a strange little wolf who had difficulty speaking and understanding certain things. A little wolf with a …
Sonia Goerger & Elodie Garcia: Mazais lauvens Merlins
Diagnostic errancy is devastating for individuals with rare diseases and their families. To understand her son’s differences, Mother Lioness relentlessly travels the African savannah. Merlin is a …
Sonia Goerger: Hercule, le petit poisson bulle
Hercule, le petit poisson, vit dans une bulle. Personne n’ose s’y aventurer de trop près et Hercule y reste seul, isolé de la méchanceté qui l’entoure. Pourtant, un jour, une gentille étoile de mer r …
Sonia Goerger: Willi, le petit grizzly
Petit grizzly solitaire, Willi se prépare pour son premier jour d’école. Mais face à sa singularité, les portes se ferment devant lui, les unes après les autres. C’est alors qu’il rencontre un …
Sonia Goerger: Charlotte, la petite marmotte
Le soir, lorsque tout le terrier s’endort paisiblement, ‘Charlotte, la petite marmotte’, est tout excitée. Les douces berceuses de Maman Marmotte n’y font rien et les journées qui suivent sont rudes. …