Autore: Elif Arslan


5 Ebook di Elif Arslan

Elif Arslan: Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion – Making Hajj
Elif and Emre perform Hajj with their family. They learn wonderful things about making Hajj while they make a tawaf around Kaaba and perform sa’i between Safa and Marwa. They drink zamzam water …
Elif Arslan: Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion – Giving Zakat
Emre has an accident with the scissors and he cuts his finger. His big sister Elif runs to his aid and patches up his wound. In the meantime, they have a nice conversation about zakat andrefresh …
Elif Arslan: Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion – Kalima-i Shahadah
This book tells the story of two siblings trying to learn our religion. While Elif and Emre have aconversation with their friends, they talk about why people say the words of kalima-i shahadah and …
Elif Arslan: Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion – Fasting
When the month of Ramadan comes, Elif and Emre feel great joy and excitement. They sit at the dining table for suhoor with their parents so that they can fast too. This book conveys the two …
Elif Arslan: Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion – Performing Salah
Elif and Emre want to perform salah with their parents. so they make wudu and lay their prayer rugs on the floor. They feel more peaceful while they perform salah and thank Allah for the blessings He …