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Autore: Janice Van Cleve

Janice Van Cleve is a journalist, story teller, world traveler, political activist, consultant, and Wall Street investor. She holds a Masters Degree in History with a minor in languages. She served as a military intelligence officer in the US Army, a systems analyst for several corporations, and retired from Microsoft at the peak of the dot com bubble. Her philanthropy is focused in the areas of archeology, music, environment, and the homeless. She has studied empires ancient and modern and the governmental systems of nations overseas and here at home. Politically she identifies as a Progressive but she refuses to swallow any ideology uncritically.

1 Ebook di Janice Van Cleve

Janice Van Cleve: America: Course Correction
No matter how you look at it, the United States is in trouble. Endless foreign wars, staggering national debt, disintegrating social safety net, illegal immigration, drugs, corporate crimes, …