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Auteur: sigmund sontum  

Sigmund Sontum was born 1954 in Oslo, Norway. Educated an architect, he was since early years been occupied with the meaning of life questions.This has led him to study Vedic philosophy and gestalt psychotherapy.Since 1997 he has been practicing couple-therapy with his wife. He lives with her and their two children in a coastal town in Norway.He is an active painter, and a co-creator of the series of books; To you from The Source. The couple are both receiving information to support humanity in the transformation to the new dimensions.

1 Ebooks door sigmund sontum  

Sigmund Sontum : Book from The Source
The Book from The Source is a channeled book. This book can comfort you on the terrifying journey of letting go. It is a book that explores the paradox of being trapped inside a body. A paradox that …