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автор: Tom Sperlinger

Josie Mc Lellan is Professor of History at the University of Bristol. She is a social and cultural historian, with particular research interests in public history and the co-production of research with people outside the university. She was a course director for the Foundation Year in Arts and Humanities, an alternative route into higher education from when the programme started in 2013 to 2017. Richard Pettigrew is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bristol, with particular interests in formal epistemology and the philosophy of mathematics. He set up the Foundation Year in Arts and Humanities. He has worked, outside the university, on projects addressing literacy in prisons and supporting adults with learning disabilities. Tom Sperlinger is Professor of Literature and Engaged Pedagogy at the University of Bristol, where he is currently working with the Widening Participation team to introduce flexible opportunities for adult learners across the arts, sciences and social sciences. He set up the part-time BA in English Literature and Community Engagement and the Foundation Year in Arts and Humanities.

5 Электронные книги Tom Sperlinger

Tom Sperlinger: Romeo and Juliet in Palestine
Is Romeo and Juliet really a love story, or is it a play about young people living in dangerous circumstances? How might life under occupation produce a new reading of Julius Caesar? What choices …
Josie McLellan & Tom Sperlinger: Who are Universities For?
The university system is no longer fit for purpose. UK higher education was designed for much smaller numbers of students and a very different labour market. Students display worrying levels of …
Tom Sperlinger & Josie McLellan: Who are Universities For?
The university system is no longer fit for purpose. UK higher education was designed for much smaller numbers of students and a very different labour market. Students display worrying levels of …
Kevin Brazil & David Sergeant: Doris Lessing and the Forming of History
Explores Doris Lessing’s innovative engagement with historical change in her own lifetime and beyond The death of Nobel Prize-winning Doris Lessing sparked a range of commemorations that cemented her …
Satish Kumar & Lorna Howarth: Lebendiges Lernen
Bildung, die fit macht für die Zukunft »Lebendiges Lernen« ist ein bahnbrechender und dringender Aufruf an uns alle, die überkommene Fortschrittsperspektive aufzugeben, die den Menschen an die …