Автор: Dept of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong) Chiu Tor Wo (Plastic Surgery


2 Електронні книги від Dept of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong) Chiu Tor Wo (Plastic Surgery

Tor Wo (Plastic Surgery, Dept of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong) Chiu: Stone’s Plastic Surgery Facts: A Revision Guide, Fourth Edition
Stone”s Plastic Surgery Facts 4e provides a complete revision tool for the FRCS exit examination in plastic surgery. Written in the form of notes and lists, the full range of plastic surgery topics …
Tor Wo (Plastic Surgery, Dept of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong) Chiu: Stone’s Plastic Surgery Facts: A Revision Guide, Fourth Edition
Stone”s Plastic Surgery Facts 4e provides a complete revision tool for the FRCS exit examination in plastic surgery. Written in the form of notes and lists, the full range of plastic surgery topics …