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Author: Winona Howe

Winona Howe taught literature and writing classes at La Sierra University for twenty-five years. She has presented conference papers and published articles and chapters on many topics, including C. S. Lewis, Wilkie Collins, J. K. Rowling, Charles Dickens, the Australian detective novelist Arthur Upfield, film director Alfred Hitchcock, and the film The Professionals. An enthusiastic traveler, Winona has visited all seven continents, and India has been one of her favorite destinations; she began writing Sita and the Prince of Tigers there after she observed the combination of beauty, power and self-possession of tigers in the wild. Winona loves spending time with her family; she also likes to sit in her rose garden and continue her childhood habit of reading books.

1 Ebooks by Winona Howe

Winona Howe: Sita and the Prince of Tigers
When Sita first meets the Prince of Tigers, she embarks on a path that will lead to a life filled with deep love and even deeper tragedy. Navigating different worlds, moving from her life in the smal …