
作者: Douglas S. Bridges

Prof. Douglas S. Bridges is a professor of pure mathematics at the University of Canterbury. His research interests include the constructive foundations of analysis and topology; mathematical economics; computability and abstract complexity theory; and quantum logic. He has published many related articles and papers, among his 8 authored books are “Computability: A Mathematical Sketchbook”, “Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis”, and “Techniques of Constructive Analysis”. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Dr. Luminiţa Simona Vîţă is an Adjunct Fellow of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury, and a Senior Business Analyst with the New Zealand Customs Service. Her research interests include constructive foundations of analysis and topology, and recursive function theory, computability and complexity. She has published many related articles and papers, and coauthored “Techniques of Constructive Analysis”.

5 电子书 Douglas S. Bridges

Douglas S. Bridges & Luminiţa Simona Vîţă: Apartness and Uniformity
The theory presented in this book is developed constructively, is based on a few axioms encapsulating the notion of objects (points and sets) being apart, and encompasses both point-set topology and …
Douglas S. Bridges: Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis
The core of this book, Chapters three through five, presents a course on metric, normed, and Hilbert spaces at the senior/graduate level. The motivation for each of these chapters is the …
Douglas S. Bridges: Computability
Aimed at mathematicians and computer scientists who will only be exposed to one course in this area, Computability: A Mathematical Sketchbook provides a brief but rigorous introduction to the …