Författare: Angel Santos

Angel Santos is one of the leading ladies in Wahida Clark”s Thug Series. She is married to Kaylin Santos, author of Gunsmoke and they have two children. She is a practicing attorney at her husband”s record label in New York. She has three best friends, Tasha, Kyra and Jaz.

2 E-böcker av Angel Santos

Angel Santos: Instar
Instar is a developmental stage in between the molts of some insects, generally speaking. It is the part of the metamorphosis that is often overlooked or not totally understood. As poetry, Instar …
Wahida Clark & Angel Santos: Eight Days of Street Lit Holiday Boxset
SWAG: Can a diva dripping with sex appeal, devious ambition, and serious swag gain the trust of a top crime boss? Undercover officer Jazmine Coleman believes it is all she needs to infiltrate one of …