Författare: Dingleberry Small


12 E-böcker av Dingleberry Small

Dingleberry Small: Mi Robot Se Tira Pedos 2
Daniel D. Drek pensaba que había visto por última vez a cierto robot apestoso. Pero un día, mientras paseaba a su perro, un familiar pase de gas seguido de una voz metálica capta su atención. ’¡Oh, …
Dingleberry Small: Max Onderbroek
Wally Wilbert wist dat schrijfwedstrijden zwaar waren, maar zo zwaar! Het hele weekend lang zwoegde hij op zijn nieuwste creatie, Max Onderbroek, totdat hij stuitte op een addertje onder het gras. …
Dingleberry Small: Bully vs. Fart: The Early Daze
Billy the Bully is at it again! When he sets his sights on Lenny Lappy and his dork friend Nelson Deadwood, he gets more than he bargains for. Is Billy any match for Nelson’s pet fart or is …
Dingleberry Small: Mi Robot Se Tira Pedos
Daniel D. Drek tiene un problema. Su nuevo robot de juguete no deja de tirarse pedos, y lo que es aun peor, todos le echan la culpa a él. ¿Podra Danny ponerle un corcho al hábito pedorrero de su …
Dingleberry Small: Bully vs. Fart 2: Fart Wedding
Lenny Lappy and Nelson Deadwood have a secret… When they drop their drawers and let off a good one, Mile One Elementary is blown away! Their pet farts, Fernando and Aisha, are engaged to be …
Dingleberry Small: Bully vs. Fart 4: Terminating Sara O’Connor’s Fart
Nerdastic fifth grader Adam Gason is at it again, and is barely conscious when he realizes that the fate of mankind hangs in the balance. When he befriends Sara O’Connor, the mother of the future …
Dingleberry Small: My Robot Farts
Daniel D. Drek has a problem. His new toy robot won’t stop farting, and even worse, he’s the one getting blamed. Can Danny boy put a cork in his robot’s farting habit once and for all, or will his …
Dingleberry Small: My Robot Farts 2
Daniel D. Drek thought he'd seen the last of a certain stinky robot. Then one day, while walking his dog, a familiar passing of gas followed by a tinny voice catches his attention. "Oh no, …
Dingleberry Small: Max Underpants
Wally Wilbert knew writing contests were tough, but good grief! All weekend long he’s slaved over his latest creation, Max Underpants, until he hit a snag. Now faced with the real possibility that he …
Dingleberry Small: Max Mutande
Wally Wilbert sapeva che scrivere per una competizione sarebbe stato molto difficile, ma accidenti! Dopo un intero week end di lavoro matto e disperatissimo la sua ultima creazione, Max Mutande, si …
Dingleberry Small: Max Calzones
Wally Wilbert sabía que los concursos literarios eran difíciles, pero ¡por todos los cielos! Durante todo el fin de semana ha trabajado como un esclavo en su más reciente creación, Max Calzones, …