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Författare: Heide T. Smith

MY LOVE IS……  My love is SPIRITUAL, because I am happiest in the company of people who strive to live the Word of God. My love is not CHARACTERISTIC of most people.  I will probably react differently to the same situation every time, — which makes me unique and mysterious. My love is INDEPENDENT, but encompasses all because I love everyone differently. My love is PSYCHOLOGICAL, because having a better understanding and awareness of myself, (and those with whom I associate) is important to me.  I always try to be aware of the environment, emotions, heredity and behavior, of the people around me and try to adjust mentally.  It is difficult for me to be around people I cannot accept for who they are. My love is INTELLECTUAL, because acquiring knowledge is stimulating to me.  It is always possible to learn from others.  In my struggle to be a better person, it is up to me to decide whether I want to accept or reject that knowledge.  My love is RESPECTFUL, because it is impossible to have any kind of relationship unless you respect others in every aspect of their life. My love is HONEST, because I can be trusted.  Dishonesty destroys relationships. My love is FAITHFUL, because unfaithfulness hurts all; and I would never intentionally do that to anyone or myself. My love is PHYSICAL, because God gave me life and showed me how to take care of my life in His Word.  I would not deliberately do anything to (or condone the actions of) anyone who does not take care of the life that God gave him or her. My love is MORAL, because immorality of any kind can only bring pain and sorrow to others and myself. My love is NATURAL, because enjoying the things that God has made (sun, ocean, trees, flowers, fresh air, etc.) is refreshing to my spirit and soul. My love is MUSICAL, because music (without a soloist) can be relaxing and soothing to my emotional being. My love is FREE, because giving my self to you is freedom.

1 E-böcker av Heide T. Smith

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